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Hi, I'm Taylor! Let's get to know each other...

How I got my start in wedding planning... 

I've always been the friend that plans things. Whether it be birthday celebrations, trips, bachelorette parties, you name it, I've planned it. So naturally, I ended up planning several of my friends' weddings after they got engaged. 

In addition to that, professionally, my experience has been in process improvement and project management. I have really found my career niche in being the person who can see a problem, find a solution, and see it through to the end. I pride myself in my ability to be a creative problem solver but also in my ability to ensure I am meeting the needs of the people that I am working for, mainly through attention to detail and communication. 

I say all of this to say that, when in the spring of 2021 I found myself wanting to start a business I could really get creative with and make my own, I found that wedding planning was the perfect fit.

About my personality... 

There are three things about my personality that other people always comment on: I am organized and always on top of things, I am a calming presence, and I am always a positive. These are comments that I receive in my professional and personal life and really embody the things that I value.

These are also qualities that make me a great wedding planner.  

You can always count on me to be intentional and prepared. You will also find that, even in stressful situations, I am able to look at what's in front of me to find the best solutions. Lastly, but maybe most importantly, while I do fancy myself very logical and a bit of a realist, I also choose to be a positive force every day.

I can assure you that I will help your wedding planning process be something that is fun and exciting.

Why Wildflower Wedding & Event Planning...

First of all, I am a Certified Wedding Planner and believe strongly in continuing your education and continually improving yourself/business.

Second, I believe I fill a gap in the wedding planning industry because not only am I a natural planner, but I also have a background in corporate project management. This background, while it may not seem totally relevant, has taught me how to successfully juggle multiple "projects" at once but also the importance of attention to detail. However, I think the most notable difference you will see in your planning process is that it allows me to bring a slightly more technologically advanced method to the way I organize and plan weddings. Couples that plan their weddings with me, will find the process to be better organized and more sophisticated because I have improved this system beyond the days of planning your wedding in a spreadsheet. Instead, my couples will use an easy to use and access online tool to help us collaborate and keep track of every little thing. 

While I do have another full time job, I am very intentional about my schedule and only take on a certain number of weddings per year so that I can ensure I have the proper time to dedicate to your wedding. 

A little bit more about Taylor... 

I grew up in Tulsa and attended Sapulpa High School. In college, I majored in Economics and Marketing at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater before moving to Oklahoma City after graduation. 

My family and friends are the most important thing in the world to me. My boyfriend, Dakota, and I were high school sweethearts and have been together 10 years! (I know. I know. The wedding planner isn't married yet?!) We have a dog named Archie who basically runs our household (not that we would have it any other way). 

So what am I doing when I'm not planning your wedding?

Well, I am definitely one of those people that spends their money on experiences. Most weekends you can catch me at your local indie rock concert, on a weekend trip, or checking out the new local thing in town.

Now that you know me, I can't wait to get to know you! 

Submit a contact form and let's chat!

About Me: About

Certified & Insured  Wedding Planner 
Creating stress free planning experiences & thoughtful wedding days

About Me: Quote
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